<2047 Apologue> 2nd season performance
Team Activities

<2047 Apologue> 2nd season performance



Who is playing, what is playing

What happens when a descendant of a thousand-year-old Mountain Tribe meets a geek programming a for Mars rover?

What happens when the ancient Taoist body concept meets the modern body language?

What happens when a man with 80-year-old experience or a man with 20-year-old emotions encounter the boldest visual mind?

What happens when a 5-year-old village kid meets a nano fashion designer who makes clothes fly?

2047, Season 2: Breaking time and space limits, presenting all possibilities.

7 unit programs, core creation team consists of the staff from 7 countries, 18 teams and individuals

The oldest is 80 years old and the youngest is 5 years old.

2047 - Refreshing your "concept" with many expectations



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